Saturday, June 18, 2005


This sketch would have benefited a lot from a ruler and a sharpened pencil. Oh well, it's just not that kind of day.

This is based on a photo. In photos you can get away with this kind of composition. If I were going to paint this, which I'm tempted to do, I'd have to change some things.

First I'd get rid of the solid part of the balcony, and I'd get rid of the ornamental stone work that is sitting next to the baby monkey because it looks too much like another baby monkey. What would you guys change?


Scott said...

Kim, are you still selling stuff on Ebay?

Steph Stanger said...

kim...I like the monkeys they remind me of Mark, Malachy, and I...if I were a guy of course.

Kimberly Cangelosi said...

Sorry, have been busy the last couple days...

Hi Scott! Tiley, who is the head of Studio 150 at Willow, has told me not to sell originals on eBay anymore. So I'm using this time to do some experiementing with larger sized canvases.

This year in Studio 150 we are going to learn more about how to make some dough from our Art. I can't wait!

Steph, there are only two monkeys. That thing that looks like a monkey is an ornamental thingy-do.

Crystal Starr said...

Just curious, why did she say not to sell originals on eBay?

Kimberly Cangelosi said...

She said I could make prints to sell and sell the originals to lincensing companies for more money. Something like that. I'm fuzzy on the details. She said this year in Studio 150 they are going to talk about how to make your art more profitable. Bring it on!

Crystal Starr said...

Oh so then you could sell your stuff on eBay just not the originals. I was feeling bad for Pippo (not sure how she spells that) and you other regular customers. But maybe they would only want originals? That is interesting stuff.