Monday, February 17, 2014

What's Up

  • Once again, my butt is being kicked by a cold virus. I'm achy, cranky, snotty, and exhausted. On the bright side, I get to spend a lot of time in bed with the cats, scouring the Roku for interesting shows. 
  • (Warning: If you are thinking of checking out The Americans on Amazon Prime, have the mute button at hand for the frequent and noisy sex scenes! It's kind of like a darker, R-rated version of Alias without all the goofy, mystical stuff.)
  • The weather has been gorgeous. High of 75 forecasted for today. Too bad I am too sick to enjoy it. *grumble, grumble*
  • Valentine's Day at school is not like I remember it. Remy came home with bag STUFFED with candy, a book, cards, cheap toys, pencils, erasers, stickers and 2 plastic drinking cups.  Needless to say, he was thrilled with his booty!  
  • Ross brought me some lovely things for Valentine's day but even sweeter is how he takes care of Remy so well while I am sick. He is a special guy!
  • 30 weeks pregnant as of yesterday. Ten weeks is sounding like a REALLY long time.  

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