Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sara Groves interviews Jonny Lang; "I hated Christianity."

Sara Groves recently interviewed Jonny Lang (the blues guitar prodigy) for Christianity Today and it is fascinating stuff.

I really recommend reading the entire interview at CT Online.

Here's an excerpt:

Lang: ...I hated Christianity. I couldn't stand to hear about Jesus. I just hated it.

Groves:So what happened? How'd you get from there to here?

Lang: When people used to try to persuade me with the message of Jesus, I would say, "I understand that you believe that, but I don't. He's going to have to basically show up and let me know who he is, or I'm not going to believe it." And that's what he did. He literally did that. (see link above.)

(This video is a little out of sync.)

Another excerpt:

Even before this, you've always seemed deeply spiritual. Was music your God?

Lang: Yes, because I mistook that spiritual feeling I would have when I would perform for being god. You think just because there is power that you are on the right track. I didn't know there was power on both sides. Now music has taken a major back seat to God. Music is something I definitely enjoy and am passionate about, and it's strange, but I don't have the same infatuation with it that I used to.

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