Monday, October 04, 2010

What's Up

Sorry I haven't been around, I've been fighting off a cold and reading through the Hunger Games trilogy. Here is the latest from our home:
  • Remy had his four month appointment last week. (A bit late) He is measuring in the 70th percentile for height and the 30th for weight. The implication of this math is that he is somewhat lanky for a baby, but lanky is not the word that comes to mind when I see his fluffy little thighs.
  • His doctor persists in calling Remy "she." We might have to switch doctors.
  • The sale on the Lombard house did not close at the end of the month as planned. New plan is for it to close this week. Keeping fingers and toes crossed!
  • The daily highs have finally dropped into the double digits and it's WONDERFUL! If you are thinking about a trip to Vegas, this is a great time of the year for it!
  • I am just 5 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight and I can run up the stairs without getting winded. Yay!

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