Monday, January 30, 2006

New Sketches

I've been sketching Sargent portraits for practice.

Ellen Terry as Lady MacBeth

Elizabeth Winthrop Channing

Lady Agnew of Lochnaw


Crystal Starr said...

Kim I really like the eyes in all of these drawings. I think they all have a story they are telling.

Kimberly Cangelosi said...

Thanks so much Crystal! The eyes are what I spent the most time on in each of these (though the odd perspective on the first one really tripped me up a bit.) Getting the correct shape of the head and sizing it correctly is still a challenge for me. I almost always start out with one size or shape and then, after I finish placing the facial features, have to go back and redo the head. Oh well, that's what sketching is for! The weird thing is that I've noticed many of Sargent's paintings have a strange halo around the head which makes me wonder if he struggled with the same problem. That's probably just wishful thinking on my part.